Frauen besuchen die digitale Werkbank!

Die Women in Tech (WIT) Ruhr als Gast des Gründerinnenzentrums in der digitalen Werkbank. Interessierte Frauen sind herzlich willkommen. Es gibt 25 Plätze, die über das Anmeldetool des das meetup Event der WIT-Ruhr angemeldet werden können. WIT-Ruhr schreiben:
For this meetup we will follow the invite of the Gründerinnenzentrum Dortmund to have our meeting at the Digitale Werkbank. After an introduction to the Digitale Werkbank our focus of the evening will be Design Thinking with Julia Schippers:
Everyone is talking about Design thinking - but what is it really all about and how can you use it? In this interactive 1,5h session, you will understand the basics of design thinking and produce an early prototype in a guided exercise. For participants who bring more experience, we can have a discussion round after the workshop session.
Julia has been working in the chemical industry for the past 7 years and is currently fascinated by the innovation potential of design thinking and how digital business models can disrupt a steady industry.
18:00h open doors
hello - this is the "Digitale Werkbank"
"Design Thinking"
get together
21:45h doors close
Event will take place in English.
Please have in mind, that we have only 25 seats available.
Thanks to the host of the evening: Gründerinnenzentrum Dortmund - little snacks, a nice atmosphere and room for networking will be provided.
Looking forward to meet you at this inspiring location.